We Can Get through This Part 3 by: Lisa

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Summary: Dawson and Joey had a heartfelt talk at the hospital. Pacey also had a talk with both of his friends. Joey has just had a horrible nightmare.

Author's note: Sorry it took me so long to get this part out. I had a horrible writer's block. And another was just pure laziness. So hope you enjoy. And also the gang has already met Andie. So that's why they will all be buddy-buddy with her.


"NOOO!" Joey screamd. She woke up dripping in sweat. She was terrified. Terrified that those two guys were after her. She couldn't be alone right now. She needed Dawson.

Joey climbed out her window and hopped into her rowboat. She rowed as fast as she could over to Dawson's. When she got there she climbed up the ladder. She noticed the window was shut. She tried to open it, but it was locked. She started pounding on the window.

Dawson popped up from his sleep. He thought he heard something by the window. He slowly got up and walked to open the window. When he looked outside he saw Joey curled up crying.

"Joey, oh my god, what's wrong?" Dawson asked frantically.

She didn't answer. She just continued to cry.

"Joey, come in. Please, I can help you Joey. Please," Dawson begged.

Joey quickly got up and climbed into the window. She ran to Dawson and gave him a huge hug.

"Jo," Dawson said," what's wrong?"

"I had a horrible dream. I dreamt that....that they were after me. So I came here and the window was locked. I panicked, I thought they had gotten you. I thought you were dead," Joey said with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Jo, I'm right here. I'm not dead."

" I know. I just can't get that feeling out of me. It was so horrible. I hated them touching me."

"Shhh Jo. Don't say it," Dawson said holding her tighter, "I'm here for you. How about I get you something to drink."

"No, Dawson. I don't want to let go of you."

"Okay, how about we watch a movie?"


Joey and Dawson fell asleep in each others arms. They were sleeping peacefully until Joey woke up screaming.

"No, get away from me. Stop!"

"Jo, shhh, calm down. It's okay. I'm here. Shh," Dawson said stroking Joey's hair.

"I'm sorry, Dawson. It's just that every time I fall asleep, I have these nightmares," she said crying softly.

"Shh, Jo, it'll be okay."

Dawson kept repeating those words until he thought she was asleep. But Joey couldn't sleep. If she slept she would have nightmares. So she just stayed up all night, staring at Dawson.


It had been a rough two weeks for everyone. Dawson had just came back a few days ago. Joey was barely in school, and when she was, she was very quiet.

(We see Pacey and Dawson talking at Dawson's locker.)

"Pacey, does Joey look okay to you? I mean she looks a little sick, don't you think?"

"Well that's kind of expected after what she's been through. She'll get better, it just takes time."

"I guess. I'm just worried, you know? She comes over all the time terrified and trembling. It's breaking my heart."

"It's okay D-man. We'll all get through this," Pacey said.

(We see Andie approaching them.)

"Hey, Pacey, Dawson," Andie said.

"Hey, Andie," Dawson said.

"How are you Dawson, feeling better?" Andie asked.

"Yeah, much. Hey, Andie, have you seen Joey around?"

"No, Dawson I haven't. I could go check the girls room. She's probably in there."

"Would you? Thanks."

Andie walked into the girls room to find Joey standing by the sink, splashing water on her face.

"Jo, you don't look too hot, are you okay?" Andie asked.

"Yeah I'm fi....."Joey tried to say but collapsed on the floor.

"Oh my god, Joey!" Andie screamed. She ran out of the bathroom screaming.

"Andie what's wrong?" Dawson asked.

"Joey she's, she's......uh," Andie said stuttering.

Dawson didn't wait for her to answer. He ran into the bathroom to find Joey lying on the floor.

"Joey! What's wrong? Wake up please!" Dawson was screaming at this point. "Pacey, get some help!"

Pacey ran to the office and told them to call 911. Then he and the nurse run to them.

"What happened?" the nursed asked.

"I was just talking to her and she fainted," Andie replied.

"Well, all we can do is wait for the ambulance," the nurse said.

They all just stood there looking at Joey. In the background a commotion can be heard.

"Where is the girl?" a paramedic asked.

"In there," Someone said pointing to the girls room.

"Thank you," the paramedic said. "What happened to her?"

"She collapsed. She has a pulse, but it is very weak," Andie said.

"Okay, we'll take over. Thank you, you've been a great help," the paramedic said.

They picked Joey up and put her on the gurnee. As they walked down the hall, everyone stared. Dawson had no expression on his face. He just walked beside her, holding her hand.

Andie walked out of the bathroom to find Pacey staring into space.

"Pacey, what's wrong?" Andie asked, concerned.

"I feel horrible. Before this big incident with Dawson and Joey, I always told them that their life was perfect. That they had everything. Nothing could ever go wrong," Pacey stopped for a minute to wipe away the tears, "I was so jealous of them. And now look what happened. I think I jinxed them for life," Pacey said.

"Pacey, don't say that. It's not your fault. Joey and Dawson will be fine. Just think about that," Andie said pulling him into a hug while letting her tears flow.


The paramedics took Joey into a cubicle. They gave the doctors the scoop and then the doctors ran some tests.

Meanwhile, Dawson called his parents and Bessie. He just sat there, staring off into space. Then he heard Joey's name.

"Who's with Joey Potter?" the doctor asked.

"I am," Dawson replied, "What's wrong with her?"

"Well, we ran some tests. We found out that she was very dehydrated. We're giving her fluids right now. She is also suffering from exhaustion. That's what caused her to faint. She is resting right now."

"Can I see her?" Dawson asked.

"Yes, but be very quiet. She needs rest."

"Okay, thank you very much."

The doctor showed Dawson to Joey's room. She looked so peaceful. She looked just like an angel. The color was coming back to her. Dawson quietly walked to her. He pulled a chair to her bed and took her hand.

"Hey, Jo. You gave all of us a scare. I'm so glad your okay. Jo, I wish you would have told me you were having trouble sleeping. You know I would have helped you."

"Dawson?" Joey said fluttering her eyes.

"Oh, I'm so glad your awake. How are you feeling?"

"A little better. I'm really tired."

"I know. The doctor said that you haven't been sleeping."

"I know. I can't . I keep having nightmares. Those two guys are always in them. I get so scared," she said starting to cry.

"Oh, Jo, I didn't mean to make you cry. Come on, shhhh," Dawson said holding her.

Pacey and Andie walked into the room. Pacey cleared his throat to make there presence known.

"Hey, Jo, how are ya feeling?" Pacey asked.

"I'm feeling better. Pacey, have you been crying? And you too, Andie?" Joey said.

"Well, you gave us a scare there, Jo. We were worried," Pacey said going to give her a hug.

"Yeah, Jo, you had us worried. We're glad your feeling better now," Andie said giving her a hug.

"You guys are so nice. I'm glad to have such great friends," Joey said.

They talked for a little longer then left because Joey needed the rest.


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