Maternal Instincts by: Tessa

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“So does it count as bed rest if I’m on a couch?” Tatum asked Dr. Hawthorn “Or in a car?”

“And remember,” Dr. Hawthorn was saying to Bessie, ignoring Tatum’s questions “She needs to take two of these pills every six hours, *not* six every two hours.”

“Or what if I’m in a movie theater with my feet up?” Tatum asked.

“We’ve been over this before.” Dr. Hawthorn told her “Bed rest means *bed* rest.”

“For two months?” Tatum whined “Damn it!”

“It’s not that long.” Joey said. Tatum hit her on the arm. Hard. “Ouch! Knock it off!” Joey snapped.

“The medication she’s on does sometimes cause mood swings and hostility.” Dr. Hawthorn pointed out “It’s nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah, get within arm’s length of Tatum and say that.” Joey muttered, rubbing her arm.

“Hey, you’d be cranky too if you’d spent a month lying flat on your back in a lumpy hospital bed with a group of medical students staring at your crotch!” Tatum said defensively.

“Tatum, I know this isn’t going to be easy for you.” Dr. Hawthorn said “But you’ve got two more months, and it’s my job to keep this baby inside you for at least most of that time. If you have this baby too early, you could lose her.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Tatum asked “What’s your point?”

“My point is that your baby’s lungs right now are barely the size of a single tea bag. She could be fine for a few weeks and then one day out of nowhere just turn blue. Premature babies have a tendency to forget to breathe. If you think I’m saying this to scare you, I’m not. I’m saying this to keep you flat on your back in bed.”

* * * *

“This sucks.” Tatum said to herself. She patted her stomach lightly “Well, little girl. Looks like it’s just you and me for now. Hey, what’s it like in there, anyway?”

“Oh, great.” Joey said sarcastically as she and Andie walked into the room “She’s talking to herself.”

“Hey, if I were in her situation I’d probably be talking to people who weren’t even there.” Andie laughed.

“I was talking to the baby.” Tatum said.

“Well that makes a whole lot of sense.” Joey said “Here, we brought you some lunch.”

“Goody.” Tatum muttered “More salt, more water retention.”

“And we rented some movies for you.” Andie added “All your favorites; ‘Love Story’ ‘Titanic’ ‘Armageddon’ and ‘Carrie 2.’ They didn’t have any copies of ‘There’s Something about Mary’ sorry.”

“That’s ok, these will do just fine for now.” Tatum assured her “You know what? You guys are the best. But you’re also thin, so please get out of my sight now.”

* * * *

“Tatum? Pacey’s here.” Joey called, knocking on the bedroom door.

“Great.” Tatum replied “Send him in.”

“How’s it going?” Pacey asked.

“I’m going completely stir crazy.” Tatum sighed “But it least it’s giving me plenty of time to think. I guess I really made my bed. Literally.”

“Tatum, what are you talking about?”

“This is all my fault.” Tatum explained “I wasn’t taking good enough care of myself. I did this to myself. And to my baby.”

“No you didn’t.” Pacey told her “Tatum, you didn’t do anything to cause this.”

“Yes I did!” Tatum insisted, her voice breaking “I acted like I was happy, but somewhere, in the back of my mind, part of me just kept on wishing that this baby would disappear.”

“It’s ok.” Pacey said, stroking her cheek gently “You didn’t mean it. It was just wishing.”

* * * *

“Anyone home?” Abby yelled, knocking on the front door.

“Hi, Abby!” Joey replied “Come on in!”

“How’s everyone’s favorite mom-to-be doing?” Abby asked.

“I think she’s sleeping right now.” Joey said.

Just then, both girls heard a loud “thud” directly above their heads.

“Oh my God.” Joey gasped. She and Abby tore up the stairs and ran into Tatum’s room “Tatum! What happened?”

Tatum was curled up on the floor, trembling and moaning in pain. Her eyes looked glazed over and her face was soaked with sweat “Something’s wrong!” She cried “Call the doctor!”

Joey turned to Abby “Quick, go call Dr. Hawthorn! And get Bessie up here, now!”

Abby nodded and ran out of the room. Joey knelt beside her sister “Tatum? What’s wrong?”

“I-I can’t see!” Tatum moaned “Everything’s all blurry.”

“Can you get up?” Joey asked.

“No, I’m too dizzy!” Tatum replied.

Bessie ran into the room “Dr. Hawthorn said to bring her in immediately. Abby called Pacey, he’s going to meet us at the hospital.”

“Something’s wrong.” Tatum repeated “What’s going on?”

“Hang on, Tatum.” Bessie said comfortingly “You’ll be ok.”

* * * *

“Hey, I came as soon as I got your message.” Dawson said “How’s she doing?”

“We’re not sure quite yet.” Joey sighed “Dr. Hawthorn’s talking to her right now. I was just going to check on them”

“Hey, where’s Jen?” Dawson asked.

“She went away to Vermont for the weekend with Tyler and his parents.” Joey explained “Andie’s gonna call her and let her know what’s happening.”

* * * *

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come home?” Jen asked “Andie, this sounds pretty scary, I think I should be there.”

“No, it’s ok.” Andie reassured her “I just wanted to let you know. I’ll call you if I hear anything different, ok? I gotta go now, bye.”

“Bye.” Jen said. She hung up the phone, then picked it up and began dialing another number.

“Who’re you calling?” Tyler asked.

“I’m calling the airline to see when the next flight to Massachusetts is leaving.” Jen explained “I’m really sorry, but my friends need me at home right now.”

* * * *

“I was afraid of this.” Dr. Hawthorn sighed “I didn’t tell you because there wasn’t really anything you could do to prevent it, and I didn’t want to worry you needlessly.”

“So what’s wrong with her?” Pacey asked.

“This blood test we did shows that her white cell and platelet counts are disturbingly low. If this continues it could cause liver failure.”

“So what can we do?” Tatum asked.

“We can either induce labor now, and deliver this baby two months early, or keep you in the hospital and monitor your condition.”

“I think I’ve heard of this.” Joey said “Aren’t there some huge risks involved?”

“There are quite a few risks.” Dr. Hawthorn replied “But we need to know how you want us to proceed with this.”

Tatum gasped “You mean, which one of us....”

“Are you saying only one of them is going to survive this?” Pacey asked.

* * * *

“Thanks for the ride.” Jen said as Tyler helped her with her luggage “And for understanding.”

“It’s no problem, really.” Tyler reassured her “Tatum needs you right now. You’ll call me and let me know what happens, right?”

“Of course.” Jen replied. She kissed him on the cheek “I’ll see you when you get back.”

Hurrying to the baggage check, Jen handed the clerk her ticket.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” The clerk said, reading the ticket “Flight number 546 has been delayed for at least an hour due to heavy fog in the Boston area.” she explained

“What?” Jen cried “That can’t be. There’s got to be some way you can.....” she moaned and let her head drop onto the counter “Dammit! I should be there right now! She needs me. I never should have left.”

“I’m very sorry, Ms. Lindley.” the clerk said “But do you really think there’s anything I can do about this fog?”

“Oh, it’s ok.” Jen sighed “It’s not your fault. It’s just-it’s just that one of my best friends is pregnant and she’s in the hospital and....oh, geez, I’m babbling, huh? I’m sorry.”

“That’s alright.” The clerk reassured her “Just take your seat and we’ll get you on that plane as soon as we can.”

* * * *

“Pacey,” Dr. Hawthorn said “I need you and Tatum to make a decision. If you decide to wait, that’s fine. But if you wait to decide, you could lose both of them.”

“How can I make a decision like this?” Pacey asked “One of them I’ve known for a while, the other one I’ve never even met. But I love both of them.”

“How does Tatum feel?” Dr. Hawthorn asked.

“She’s in no shape to make a decision like this. She’s completely out of it.”

“Dr. Hawthorn!” Joey cried, running out into the hallway “Come quick! I think she’s having contractions!”

Dr. Hawthorn looked at Pacey desperately “I can’t do this for you. You have to decide right now.”

Pacey thought for a moment “Do whatever you have to do.” He said finally “But please don’t let Tatum die.”

* * * *

“What’s going on?” Tatum wailed.

“We’re going to do a caesarean section and get that baby out of you.” Dr. Hawthorn explained as a team of nurses lifted Tatum up and set her on a gurney.

“What?” Tatum asked “What do you mean? Where’s Pacey?”

“I’m right here.” Pacey said, grabbing her hand “You’re going to be fine. When this is all over, I’ll be right here.” he held her hand until one of the nurses pushed the gurney out of them room and towards the elevator. Dr. Hawthorn followed, still shouting out orders.

“I love you, Tatum!” Pacey called after them.

* * * *

Jen stared at the clock on the wall above her.

“Flight 546 nonstop to Boston is still delayed due to heavy fog in the Boston area,” the PA system boomed “We regret any inconvenience caused by the delay...”

Inconvenience? Jen thought She could be having that baby right now, and I’m not there for her. A pretty, slender young woman with dark brunette hair who sat down next to Jen. She was holding a beautiful, tiny baby girl with the same wavy dark hair. The woman almost looked like Tatum, only a few years older. The baby waved its tiny fists in the air and cooed.

“There you go!” the woman said brightly, handing the baby a toy “What a good girl you are, Noelle.”

Noelle. Jen repeated in her mind What a pretty name. I wonder if Tatum’s thought of a name for her baby yet. I wonder if she’ll ever get a chance to name her baby. she shook her head as if to shake such unpleasant thoughts out of her mind and went back to her magazine.

* * * *

“Can’t you just tell them it’s a family emergency?” Kelly asked “Ok, just a second.” she put her hand over the receiver of the pay phone and turned to Bessie “He says he’s trying, but he doesn’t think he’ll be able to get here for at least another hour.” she turned her attention back to the phone “What? Oh, really? Great, I’ll see you soon, then. Yeah, ok, I’ll tell him. Bye.” She hung up the phone and turned around “Pacey! There you are. Listen, I just got off the phone with Doug. He says he’ll be here in about a half an hour. How’s Tatum, is everything ok?”

“I don’t know.” Pacey admitted “They took her away about five minutes ago. The nurse said that she’d send someone down to take us there to wait.”

“Good.” Kelly said “Hey, are you alright? Look, don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”

“Pacey!” someone called.

“Dr. Hawthorn?” Pacey said “What’s going on? I thought you were-”

“I was.” Dr. Hawthorn interrupted breathlessly “Just as I was about to begin my youngest daughter’s soccer coach called. She got hurt at practice, they think she might have a concussion. I have to go get her. Oh, but don’t worry. I left Dr. Belmont in charge, he’ll take care of Tatum.”

* * * * “Flight 546 to Boston, rows 14 through 26 now boarding at gate 12.” A voice over the PA system announced.

“Finally!” Jen said out loud as she stood up and picked up her bag. When she turned around, she saw that the woman and her baby seemed to have disappeared.

* * * *

“How much longer could it possibly take?” Abby whined “This can’t be normal.”

Suddenly, the doors of the operating room across the hallway burst open. A group of nurses pushed a gurney with an incubator on it through the doors. A tall, young-looking doctor walked out the doors, peeling of his blood soaked rubber gloves.

“Are you Dr. Belmont?” Bessie asked.

“Yes.” he replied.

“Uh-huh. I see.” Bessie said “And you are going into what grade?”

Dr. Belmont chuckled mirthlessly “I get that a lot. Listen, if you’ll excuse me, your sister is still in surgery, and that’s where I should be.”

“Wait a minute.” Pacey cut in “I thought the nurses just-”

“Yeah, the baby’s out of surgery.” Dr. Belmont interrupted “The mother isn’t.”

“Shh, Doogie, shut up!” Abby cut in “Get your ass back in there! My friend is in there, and it’s your job to be in there helping her!” she turned to the others “I don’t like his attitude. Come on, Pacey. They took the baby that way. Let’s see what we can find out.”

“He didn’t say exactly how Tatum’s doing.” Joey observed.

“Would it kill anyone in this half assed excuse for a hospital to tell us if our friend is ok?” Andie whined.

“Andie, just calm down!” Jack said.

“You calm down, Jack!” Andie snapped “And when did you get here?”

“Just two minutes ago.” Jack replied “So what the hell’s going on?”

“Hey, am I too late?” Doug asked “I got here as soon as I could.” Everyone was silent “What?!”

* * * *

“How long has it been?” Andie asked. She and Pacey were waiting outside the intensive care unit where premature babies were taken.

“Twenty minutes.” Pacey replied flatly.

“Hey, how’s it going down at this end?” Doug asked.

“They haven’t told us anything yet.” Andie sighed “Any word on Tatum?”

“Nothing.” Bessie told her.

“That’s because they never tell you anything here!” Abby whined. She glared at passing doctor “Tricks.” she muttered.

“I’m going to go get some coffee.” Bessie said.

“Good idea, me too.” Andie agreed “You guys want anything?” the others nodded “Ok, great.”

“I’m going to go see if I can pound some information out of these people.” Abby said.

“Abby, don’t do anything stupid.” Pacey told her.

“You know me.” Abby replied.

“That’s why we’re worried.” Doug muttered.

“What?” Abby asked.

“I didn’t say anything.” Doug lied. He turn to his brother “Hey, are you going to be alright?”

“I’m fine.” Pacey said.

“I don’t believe you.” Doug insisted “I know what fine looks like. You’re not fine. You know, you can talk to me.”

Pacey sighed “Do you remember when we were kids, how the whole family used to go on vacations every summer? And how when we were on the plane mom would always ask us every few minutes if we were scared? I don’t know why, I was just thinking about how if we told her that we were ok she’d be fine, but if she saw fear in our eyes, or if we squeezed her hand a little too tightly, she just couldn’t relax for the rest of the flight. I guess I just feel like everyone’s counting on me to be brave, and on the outside I’m really trying, but on the inside I’m scared to death.”

“It’s ok to be scared.” Doug told him “At the risk of sounding like some cliche-ridden Lifetime movie of the week, if I were in your situation I’d be scared, too.”

“I can’t let the others see how scared I am.” Pacey said “They need me to be strong. And another thing, what do you know about Lifetime movies? And you always wondered why I thought you were gay.”

Doug ignored him “Excuse me, sir.” he said to a doctor who was just coming out of the intensive care unit “My niece has been in there for about a half an hour, I was wondering if we could get an update-”

“Sorry.” The doctor interrupted “I couldn’t tell you.”

“Come on, man!” Pacey said “That’s my kid in there. I think I have a right to know how she’s doing.”

The doctor stared at him “Your kid?” He walked away, shaking his head and muttering under his breath “Damn kids these days got hormones coming out of their ears....”

* * * *

“Hey, wait a minute.” Bessie said as she and Andie stepped off the elevator “I thought we got seven cups of coffee, there’s only six here.”

“Yeah, I put mine back.” Andie explained “Can you imagine me on caffeine right now?”

“I’d rather not.” Bessie replied.

“Andie?” a voice behind them interrupted.

“Jen! What are you doing here?” Andie asked.

“As soon as I got off the phone with you I was on the next plane out.” Jen said “I had to be here.”

“Dammit, Jen. I told you not to do that!”

“Oh who cares?” Bessie asked “She’s here, that’s all that matters.” she noticed Dr. Hawthorn down the hall “Excuse me for a second, girls. Allison!”

Dr. Hawthorn looked up “Oh, Bessie. Hi. I was just looking for you. I got back about ten minutes ago.”

“Did you get an update on Tatum’s condition?” Bessie asked.

“She’s still in surgery.”

“She’s not in recovery yet?” Bessie moaned “What the hell is going on here, Allison? Do they teach you in med school how to drag this out for dramatic impact?”

“I’m sorry.” Dr. Hawthorn sighed “There were complications. She lost a lot of blood, she needed a transfusion.”

“How much?”

“15 units.” Dr. Hawthorn replied.

“Oh God.” Bessie gasped “Is she going to be ok?”

“As far as I can tell.” Dr. Hawthorn reassured her “Look, why don’t you go sit down? I promise I’ll let you know as soon as you can see her.”

* * * *

“This sucks.” Abby muttered, flipping through a tattered old magazine.

“Sucks is an understatement.” Pacey told her.

“Pacey?” Doug said “The nurse says you can go see Tatum now.”

* * * *

All of the lights in the room were turned out except for one lamp next to the bed. Tatum was lying on her back, staring at the ceiling. She turned toward the door and smiled weakly as Pacey walked in “Hi.” she said weakly.

“How are you feeling?” Pacey asked.

“I can’t really feel anything below my neck.” Tatum sighed “And above my neck it feels like I’ve got an elephant tap dancing in my head. How’s the baby?”

“She’s good.” Pacey lied. For all he knew, she might have been fine. “They haven’t let me see her just yet, though.”

“Ok.” Tatum whispered “I think I’m gonna go back to slee......” she trailed off as she fell asleep mid-sentence.

There was a knock on the door. Dr. Hawthorn stuck her head in “Pacey, could I talk to you for a second?” She looked tired and strained.

“Something tells me you’ve got bad news.” Pacey said “Is it Tatum? She doesn’t look too good.”

“No, Tatum is going to be fine.” Dr. Hawthorn replied “Her white cell and platelet counts are back up, she just needs some rest. However, I am concerned about the baby.”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s small, Pacey. Much smaller than we had expected.” Dr. Hawthorn explained “She barely weighs three pounds. And there were complications during the surgery. When we got her out the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, and she had a collapsed lung. She’s stable now, but if I were you I wouldn’t get my hopes up.” she put her hand on Pacey’s shoulder “If we had waited even another five minutes you might have lost both of them. You made the right choice.”

Pacey sighed “I’m not so sure."

* * * *

“There’s something you’re not telling me.” Tatum insisted “I can tell. Is there something wrong with the baby? Oh God. She's too little, isn’t she?”

“She might be.” Pacey admitted “I just didn’t want to tell you yet. I didn’t want you to worry too much.”

“Of course I’m going to worry about her!” Tatum moaned “There’s nothing I can do but worry. Have you even seen her yet?”

“Not yet.” Pacey replied “Dr. Hawthorn says we can see her as soon as she’s off the respirator.”

“Why did they just take me away so fast?” Tatum asked “We hadn’t even decided what to do yet.”

“I decided.” Pacey explained “I had to. You were in no shape to make a decision like that, and if we had waited any longer both of you would have died.”

“And you chose me?” Tatum asked “But why? After I’ve been so horrible and cranky through this whole thing, and after I ran away like that? And you wanted this baby so much. Why me?”

“Because I love you.” Pacey told her, kissing her forehead “Is that a good enough reason?”

Tatum nodded as her eyes filled with tears.

Dr. Hawthorn burst in without even bothering to knock. She was flushed, as though she had run all the way, but her face was glowing “She’s off the respirator, and she’s doing great.”

* * * *

Everyone was talking at once as Dr. Hawthorn led the way to the intensive care unit, pushing Tatum in her wheelchair.

“Can all of us see her?” Jen asked.

“Just the parents at first.” Tatum replied.

“Well let us know when we can see her, too.”

Everyone watched through the glass doors as Dr. Hawthorn led Tatum and Pacey over to an incubator near the front of the room. After a moment, Tatum turned around and motioned for the others to join them.

“You guys,” Tatum said proudly, moving aside a little so her friends could see the baby “I’d like you to meet Noelle.”

“I love that name!” Andie exclaimed “How’d you come up with it?”

“It just popped into our heads.” Pacey replied.

As everyone crowded around to get a good look at the new arrival, Jen glanced toward the doors. She thought she saw the woman from the airport standing outside with her baby, but when she looked back a split second later, they had vanished.

“Jen!” Tatum called “What are you looking at? Come see the baby!”

“I thought I saw....oh never mind.” Jen said

* * * *

Part 26 coming soon!

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