The Day After Part Four by: Tiffany

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(Same day evening around 8:30pm Dawson's Bedroom)

Dawson sat on his bed surrounded by prospective movies for another movie night without Joey. He glanced at many without actually looking at them. First one 'Pretty in Pink.' "I don't think so." Another one, 'When Harry Met Sally.' He made a face, "Let's soo not go there." He reached for the remote. "Let see what's on TV then." Dawson flipped through the channels and came to the WB56, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. He knew the show well. Joey and he had decided the show had plenty of action, believable plots in a freaky Friday kind of way, and a nice group of actors both attractive and fascinating. He sat back and watched.

The scene was where best friends Xander and Willow were getting ready for the Homecoming Dance. Willow was changing into many outfits asking for Xander's opinion. She came out wearing an elegant black, sleeveless, full-length dress. Xander is looking dapper in his tuxedo. He stares at her, in shock for a long moment,looking at how beautiful she is. They don't say anything for a long moment.. She looks down at her dress, then back up at him and shrugs.

Willow: Uh, I know. 'Nice.'

Xander: I was gonna go with 'gorgeous'. (steps toward her)

Willow: (smiles) Really? (She steps toward him) You, too. I-in a guy way.

Xander: (smiles back and draws a breath) Oz is very lucky. Willow: (smiling) So is Cordelia... i-in a girl way. Willow looks very worried.

Willow: I don't know if I can dance in this. Idon't know if I can dance!

Xander: Come on. Piece of cake. He steps up to her and offers his hands to dance. They take a few seconds to get positioned for a traditional slow waltz, and then start to dance.

Xander: Well, that seems to, um...He looks down at their feet as they sway back and forth for a little while. Willow looks up at him, but tries not to look like she is.

Willow: Yeah. This shouldn't be a... problem. They slowly inch closer to each other.

Xander: No problem. He slowly leans his head down to her, and she responds by angling hers up to him. They are soon very close, and kiss gently. The kiss goes on for several seconds before they realize what they are doing and quickly jump apart.

Xander: (points at her) That didn't just happen!

Willow: No! (gestures nervously) I mean, it did, but it didn't!

Xander: Because I respect you. And Oz. And I would never...

Willow: (furrows her brow) I would never, either! I-it must be the clothes.I-it's a fluke.

Xander: It's a clothes fluke, that's what it is. And there'll be no more fluking.

Willow: Not ever. They step closer again, and are about to kiss when they jump apart again.

Dawson looked away from the television. He began remembering the 'Miss Windjammer Pageant' five months ago. He had finally seen Joey for the first time. Joey as a best friend and a girl. The same thing with Xander and Oz had happened too. One look changed everything for them. He had been stupid for not seeing it sooner. Joey was beautiful and wonderful and his everything.. He was so caught up with Jenn and living in the fantasy that she was the one for him, his soulmate, but she wasn't. Joey was his soulmate. Their relationship was so complicated, and yet so simple. The way they spoke to each other, without saying a word, the way they understood each other so perfectly. He had finally given into to his unresolved feelings for her and found the most perfect relationship, his one true love. One kiss changed everything for him, she became his best friend, his girlfriend, his world all in one. Then fast-forward, Joey dumps him to have some space. Space he knew deep down was what he needed to give her. But how much time would she need? Dawson turned off the television and grabbed his coat.

"I gotta get out of here."

(Lee Ann Rimes: 'How do I Live' playing on Joey stereo)

How do I Get through a night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of live would that be?
Joey sat down in her livingroom/bedroom with her sketchpad in hand, thinking. The most memorable moment in your life, she thought. She played as much childhood memories as she could remember which all pointed straight to Dawson in some way. When her mother died, Dawson was there, a shoulder to cry on, a wonderful, understanding friend, her best friend, still her best friend she hoped. When her father was caught drug-trafficking marijuana, Dawson wasthere, to listen to how angry she was at her father for betraying her family and hurting her mother so deeply it killed her more than the cancer ever could have. But a memorable moment, she pondered again. What was the moment of absolute happiness and joy? When everything was perfect and incredible? She had a feeling this too would include Dawson.

Everything good came out of her friendship with him. At least that was before things got complicated. Until she fell in love with him. She walked over to the window and looked out over the creek. So many times she rowed to and from Dawson's house as a kid each night for movie night. She frowned, remembering what she'd said to him after the Homecoming Dance. She'd said she needed space to find her "something". It bothered her so much, because it was true, she did need space, but then not true. Maybe she was just afraid of the relationship that Dawson and she were having. Now that he felt the same way for her and she did for him.

Is it so bad for Dawson to be so much apart of my life? Suddenly the cries of her baby nephew, Alexander, vibrated through the house. Bessie tries to calm him, but it just wasn't working. Joey looked over and rolled her eyes. I need to go think things out, minus the screaming baby. She took her sketchpad and a pencil, grabbed her jacket,and went for the door.

"Where are you going?" Bessie asked.

Joey turned around. "I need to go think a bit, I won't be long."

(9pm, Andie's house)

Pacey and Andie were finishing up watching an episode of 'The X-files'. They were both curled up close on the couch, their faces glued to the television. Mulder had just told Scully he loved her, and Scully had rolled her eyes.

"See, I told you Mulder and Scully are going to get together," he said as he flipped through the channels, searching for something else.

"What good would that do, Pacey? I mean, if they get together, then what? Nothing, that's my point. The whole issue of them being a possibility is what makes the show watchable. You can't just put them together and then expect things to just be interesting still." Andie said looking at him.

Pacey smiled, "Ah, but McPhee you forget that, that is what the viewers want. They want Mulder and Scully together. To kiss and well, other things…"

Andie looked away smiling, "Oh, I see you just want to see them hit the sack?"

"Yes, actually, I think a good love scene would be appropriate, given the sexual tension they have had for the past 5 seasons. Enough is enough, they should get busy."

Andie stood up. "You are in need of some major help, Mr. Witter. I suggest you consider the sexual addict hotline. I'm sure they can point you in the right direction."

Pacey stood up as well. "I'm gonna get going." He changed his voice to imitate his father's. "I expect you home promptly at 11:30pm, no monkey business and no excuses."

She walked him to the door. He leaned in for a kiss. Kissing Andie was definitely something he enjoyed, absolutely magical. Their lips just slipped over each other's softly. He didn't have to act anything different than just himself. Funny, he thought, that is exactly what she likes about me.

"Good Night, Pacey."

"Night, Andie, ah sweet dreams." He smiled.

(The ruins)

The moon flickered its light over the creek. Dawson sat down on the bench, looking out to the water. His mind was a million miles away. He closed his eyes, and just relaxed. No thinking, he thought, I've done too much of that already.

Joey walked through the private property toward the ruins. She looked up and saw Dawson about 10 feet from her, his back to her. She smiled and thought Dawson's thinking place. She walked up toward the bench and looked over at him.

"Nice night, uh?"

Dawson's eyes flew open and he turned around. He was surprised she would be here.

(Lee Ann Rimes: How Do I Live, playing in the background)

Oh I , need in my arms need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything real in my life
And tell me now
How do I live with you
I want to know
How do a breathe without you

He stared at her in shock.

"Can I sit down?" She asked, his expression made her uneasy, did he want her to leave?

"Yeah, sure of course." Okay, he thought, this is it. He breathed in deeply and then breathed out. "Jo, I want to apologize for what happened this morning. It was totally uncalled for bringing up Jack and everything. I'm just so frustrated with the whole situation and I get caught up in it, and I say things that I don't mean."

Joey looked up at him and pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I know you are, Dawson. I'm sorry too. This breakup has been hard on both of us, I hope you know that."

Dawson watched as she looked out over the creek. Her brown hair blowing with the wind, her beautiful brown eyes. He couldn't even be angry with her, even though she was the one who had ended it. Even though their relationship had become more than just friends, he could still read her like a book. She was just as miserable as he was.

"I have good news."

His eyebrows raised. "What is it?"

Joey smiled, "I'm entering in a contest for amateur artists. Mrs. Emerson gave me an application after class. It's from the Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. I'm going to do a sketch. First place is $2,000.00."

Dawson touched her hand and she looked at him.

"That's wonderful, Jo. You're gonna win, I know it."

She didn't want him to let go of her hand. It felt so nice. She gave a little laugh.

"Now, hold on Dawson. I haven't even decided what the sketch is going to be let alone passed it in yet."

He ignored that remark, "You already won."

They looked at each other. No words, just feeling, a comfortable feeling. Dawson didn't want her to leave, for them to stay just stay like this. She reluctantly withdrew her hand from his and stood up.

"Well, good night Dawson. I've got my work cut out for me."

He smiled softly, "Good night, Jo. And good luck, I mean that."

Okay, Okay I promised that this would be the last installment, I apologize!!!But seriously I need to end it here before you continue to the next part. The next part I promise the series is finished!!! J. Please, Please, e-mail all comments!

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