Thoughts Revealed by: Nicole

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By the way, this whole series takes place after Pretty Woman, most likely. Just pretend Breaking Away never existed (curse the thought) Thanks. E-mail

Thoughts Revealed

The scene opens exactly where we left off: Joey and Dawson are still wrapped up in each others arms after their passionate embrace.

DAWSON: Joey...?

JOEY: Oh, wow. (breaking out of his arms) I'd like to hear you analyze this, Dawson. One minute we're screaming at each other and the next...

DAWSON: (incredulously, in a whisper) We're kissing.

JOEY: Oh wow. (she walks to the bed and sits down, a long, uncomfortable silence follows) So...Don't you have anything to say?

DAWSON: Uh, yeah actually. Two things. (walks over to his desk chair and fiddles with a pen) Who is it going to be, Pacey or me?

JOEY: (looking away from Dawson, avoiding the question) What's the second thing?

DAWSON: (breathlessly) Can we do that again?

JOEY: (laughing) I don't have any outstanding objections.

Dawson walks over to her, almost nervously, their motions awkward until their lips meet. We see the same instantaneous passion as in the former kiss.



We hear a girl's laughter as the scene opens. It looks like the inside of the Icehouse. We see Jen and Warren seated at a booth.

WARREN: Yeah, so Mrs. Tingle is screaming at me. Asking how I plan to support a baby at my age and I am just like 'What are you talking about?' It wasn't till later that day I found out. I never knew that you were partly the brains behind this operation, though.

JEN: Lots of things you don't know about me. (Jen's face falls a little after this comment, but she quickly covers it)

WARREN: So, where did you come up with it anyway?

JEN: (laughing) Let's leave that to the mastermind to know...and you never to find out.

WARREN: Sounds interesting...I'll find out later, anyway.

JEN: (swatting his arm) You think so?

WARREN: (shaking his head) No.... (grins) I know so.

They get up from the booth and start walking to the exit.

JEN: Hm, self-confidence, I like that in a man.

WARREN: (putting his arm around her shoulder) Then I'm your guy, baby. They walk through the doors and start towards home.

JEN: (thoughtfully) It seems to be turning out that way.

Camera follows them down the street until they turn a corner.


The shot is of Pacey sitting at the docks where him and Joey had kissed. He appears to be deep in thought. Doug walks up behind him.

DOUG: God, Pacey! How long have you been out here? Dad's been really worried. You think you'd have more respect.

PACEY: (looks up at Doug, fully disgusted) Oh yeah. Tons of respect. I'm sure he's worried, Doug.

DOUG: Come on, loser. Let's go home. (Pacey doesn't move) Pacey, now!

PACEY: No, Doug. I don't want to go home. You go, (sarcastically) and tell Dad that I'm safe and sound so he can rest easier.

DOUG: You infuriate me! It's your choice, Pace. Come with me now, or find somewhere else to stay tonight.

PACEY: (not looking away from the water) 'Night. See you tomorrow, unfortunately.

Doug lets out a frustrated grunt before turning and walking to his patrol car. We hear the engine roar and ride away. Pacey is still looking out onto the water, but as we close up on his face, we see tears in his eyes.


The shot is of Capeside High School. One by one, we see a tired Pacey, a nervous Joey, an eager Dawson, and finally an ecstatic Jen walk in. Dawson is at his locker as Joey walks up. We see a momentary look of uncertainty, but she walks over to Dawson's locker anyway.


DAWSON: (nervously) Hi.

The pair stares into each others eyes, appearing to be trying to read what the other is thinking. Dawson starts to lean in to Joey, but pauses. Joey nods and Dawson kisses her, in a restrained manner.

ABBY: (from across the hallway) Do my eyes deceive me? Is this the truth here? (puts her hand over her mouth in sarcastic shock) Has Dawson actually woken up? Oh my, this is going to be a fascinating day!

JOEY: (testily) Abby...

ABBY: Sorry, Joey. Or, do you prefer Josephine, now? (laughs) So exciting! I must go, kids. Have fun and (in a stage whisper) use protection!

Joey and Dawson look at each other and crack up as Pacey walks up behind them and clears his throat.

DAWSON: (stops laughing immediately) Pacey. Hey, man. (taking a second look) Wow, you look like hell.

PACEY: (running a hand through his disheveled hair) Thanks for the compassion.

JOEY: (shyly) What happened to you?

PACEY: (with a fake smile) Just another night of sleeping on one of Capeside's first class park benches. Doug and I had another spat, and I decided anything was better than facing my father.

DAWSON: (uncomfortably) Oh..well, the Leery mansion is always open for you. You should've dropped by last night.

PACEY: (ignoring the last comment) Thanks, I just might take you up on that. (leaning against a locker) Uh, Jo? We need to have a little discussion, here.

Dawson grabs Joey's arm possessively. Joey looks down at her feet.

PACEY: (pats Dawson on the back) Dawson, relax. I said talk, not suck-face.

DAWSON: (laughing and blushing) Um, yeah, of course.

Pacey and Joey walk away from Dawson to the other side of the hallway. The shot switches to them.

PACEY: About last night, Jo..

JOEY: (in a rush) I didn't feel anything, (pauses and looks at Pacey) Did you?

PACEY: (letting out a relieved sigh) No, God that was easy. I was worrying about that all morning.

JOEY: (surprised) Really? (Pacey nods) Well you know what you should worry about now? (Pacey raises an eyebrow at her) Your breath. Whew! You are in need of some Colgate!

PACEY: (laughing) Oh yeah? (Joey nods, giggling) Well, if you want to talk about body smells, did you remember your deodorant, Jo? Cuz that is not a pleasant smell coming from you. The two laugh again and the shot is back to Dawson, who is still at his locker, watching them with his arms crossed over his chest, a look of held in rage across his face.

PACEY: (putting his arms around Joey's waist) Jo! Look, there's Dawson! Let's make him jealous! (as Joey tries to squirm out of his arms he places his hand over her mouth and plants a huge kiss on it)

JOEY: Pacey! Who said I was joking about your breath? Get off me! (Pacey backs away as Dawson storms over)

DAWSON: (trying to hide his anger) You ready to go to homeroom, Jo?

JOEY: (still laughing) Yes, Dawson, yes. Let's go, shall we? (Dawson, looking uplifted, grabs Joey's hand and kisses her on the cheek. This evokes many looks from passing students, but they don't seem to notice)

The shot fades out on Pacey's face, leaning back against his locker, looking suddenly lonely and depressed.



The scene opens up in the lunch room. There is a quick shot of Dawson and Joey, sitting with Pacey, holding hands and laughing. The next is of Jen and Warren, sitting alone.

WARREN: (reaching for Jen's hand) This is kind of surprising, Jen. I mean, this relationship.

JEN: (laughing slightly) Tell me about it. I actually only agreed to go out with you because I was bored.

WARREN: Well, I only asked you because...well, okay, I asked you because I thought you were pretty and I had a crush on you.

JEN: (laughs) Honesty is good.

WARREN: (leaning over the table, close to Jen) Kissing you is good...

JEN: I agree. (their lips meet and we hear cheers evoke from the next table. The camera pans to the table and it is full of Capeside High Varsity jackets. Warren, while still kissing Jen, holds out a thumbs-up sign behind his back, making the cheers become louder)

JEN: (with her lips pressed against Warren's) I saw that.

WARREN: Saw what? (Jen swats his arm) Okay, okay. I admit it. I'm a cretin. Can you handle that?

JEN: (leaning in for another kiss) I could handle any cretin that kisses like that.

The shot fades out on their kiss.


We see Dawson sitting by the dock outside of his house. He turns as he hears Jen walking up behind him.

DAWSON: Jen, hey.

JEN: (sitting next to him) Hey.

DAWSON: (motioning to the spot next to him) Sit. What's on your mind?

JEN: (sitting close to him) Uh, well do you remember how I asked you a while back if we could..

DAWSON: (uncomfortably, cutting her off) Yes, I remember that...what about Warren?

JEN: (running her hands through her hair, thinking) Warren? You think I really like Warren? He's a distraction, Dawson, from the one person I'll never be able to have. (pauses) So, I'm guessing that means that there have been no decision altering situations.

DAWSON: (standing up, Jen soon follows) Just one that insured me I had the right girl in mind...

JEN: Wait, I can finish that thought. (wrapping her arms around her middle) Joey is the one I love, Jen. You were a silly infatuation and it would be much easier if you would leave my life forever, but since that's out of the question, (we see tears in her eyes) I'm going to try a feeble attempt at an amiable relationship.

DAWSON: (tries to put his hand on her shoulder but she pushes it away) Jen, don't...

JEN: Don't what? Don't have feelings for you? Just forget the sensation I get in my heart every time I see you? Oh, okay. Will do.

DAWSON: (angrily, crossing his arms over his chest) Yeah. That is what I want you to do. Too hard for you, Jen? Gee, I haven't the slightest inkling as to what you're going through. (throwing his hands in the air and starting to yell) You forget so easily. How do you think it was for me? When Billy came back and you went off with him, kissed him even! Then dropped me the minute you were bored! No, I really can't relate to your feelings! (moving in close to Jen, who is now in tears, and whispering) But, you know what? I got over you, moved on to bigger and better things. I suggest you do the same. (Dawson turns on his heel and stalks off)

JEN: (almost sobbing) Dawson! (he doesn't turn, she sits down and pulls her knees up to her chin, whispering) Come back, please.


Pacey is walking around downtown. We see him spot Joey across the street.


JOEY: (turning and yelling from across the street) Pace! Hey, hold on a second, I'll be right there! (she runs across) Hi.

PACEY: (smiling) What's up, chickie?

JOEY: (rolling her eyes) Nothing, piggy.

PACEY: (placing his hand lightly over his heart) Ouch.

Joey laughs and they walk in silence for a while.

PACEY: (looking straight ahead) We never got a real chance to Dawsonize our kiss.

JOEY: (confused) We never got to what it?

PACEY: Dawsonize, practically a synonym of analyze. (Joey laughs and rolls her eyes again) I'm just trying to throw in a little creativity, Josephine.

JOEY: And if you call me Josephine again I will creatively rearrange your face. (smiles sweetly)

PACEY: (holding up his hands) Okay, okay, enough of avoiding the topic at hand.

JOEY: (looking down) I wasn't kidding when I said I didn't feel anything.

PACEY: Oh, me neither! (Joey looks relieved) I just think we should talk it over.

There is another lull in the conversation.

JOEY: So talk.

PACEY: Well, if you want me to be completely honest here, which is the concept I'm promoting, you are one hell of a kisser, Jo.

JOEY: (embarrassed) You're not so bad yourself. (pauses and gets a repulsed look on her face) I can't believe we kissed, almost as unbelievable as Dawson and me kissing.

PACEY: (laughing) Ah ha! But, mon cheri, you and Dawson did lock lips, um, many times. Actually, I agree, it is gross thinking about kissing you. (looks at Joey's indignant face) No offense, Sparky.

JOEY: So it's settled? We can let this vanish into lost childhood memories land?

Pacey nods and they start walking again.


The shot is of Dawson's room. Dawson and Joey are seated on his bed, Dawson is fiddling with his E.T. doll.

DAWSON: I just feel so..well, the only word that comes to mind is shitty.

JOEY: (placing her hand on his arm) Although I really resent wasting this much time talking about Jen, I think it's good that she goes through what you did. (pauses) And don't you remember the end of your speech? The part where you said you got over her? Well, trust me, she'll get over you.

DAWSON: (looking indignant) Do I take offense to that? (Joey laughs) We did waste way too much time on Jen.

Dawson leans over and kisses her softly, it starts to become deeper, but Joey breaks it off.

JOEY: (looking down) Sorry. It just feels weird, you know? We've never spent a movie night making out before. Is that what we call it now? Make out night?

DAWSON: (laughing) Not around my parents. Just give me one more chance to make it feel right.

JOEY: (placing her hand awkwardly on his cheek) Take all the chances you need.

Dawson starts by kissing her forehead, then moving to both her cheeks. She starts laughing when he kisses her forehead for a second time, but Dawson places his lips over hers and cuts it off. Joey runs her fingers through his hair as he pulls her closer. The shot fades out on their kiss.

The this one good? Let me know, please.

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